Standing and hacking my way to antifragility. Coffee and beer aficionado.
I can be wrong.

July 2014

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Daily routine of lazy hacker

Post is my answer for Danger & Play question.

Mike’s post is not a first that I’ve read on this topic - the rest of the Internet talks about it too (James Clear, Buffer) and there’s also a famous book. As you can see, a lot of people just puts their work time to autopilot. But a lot of people will tell you, that doing this you are sacrificing your creativity. I don’t think that’s the case. Here’s my daily schedule and some core principles.

From waking up to lunch

Rise and shine around 6 a.m., drink lightly salted water and make myself a cup of bulletproof coffee. At my standing desk, tune in some podcast episode/ and work. I chop work time into 90 - 120 minute blocks with 2 breaks (around 30 minutes each), using them to hygiene and make some coffee or working out (exercise minimalist). After 3 of those chunks I’m usually done, which means 4.5 - 6 hours of focused time per day (of usually client work). Then it’s time for earned breakfast (or shopping for it), 99% consists of eggs and some meat (bacon or fish).

Rest of the day

Satisfied with my work and food, time has come to meditation (at least for 5 minutes), then go out (get some vitamin D or at least some fresh air). I often end up sitting in café (like Fusion, owned by Czech Barista champion of 2014), sipping on some premium gourmet shit. Return home for some dinner (or eat out if I want a good burger/india/etc.). After that I either go to grab drink or two with friends, read (books, blogs), work on some personal stuff or just play computer games. I finish my day by taking supplements, writing diary and cold shower.

Core principles

Take a look at Pareto principle and Parkinson’s law. First is universally applicable on all parts of life (but maybe not in popular 80/20 ratio), second is just about the power of strict deadlines. When at home, I often work while standing, which gives me that freedom to just leave (also great for your posture). When it comes to tooling, after years of testing bunch of apps, I’m now using RescueTime for time counting and Trello for task tracking, sometimes combined with Ovo (when I need to kick my ass to produce work).

Right mindset

To wrap this up, some thoughts. Don’t panic, when your routines get screwed up, because it happens. Try to be stoic about it and get back on track. Good routine is a product of long run and continuous tinkering. Apply your principles on it, teach people about it and optimize. Because it’s never ending process.

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