Recently I wanted to get some data out of our django-cs group’s front page (specificaly last month threads). But you know Google - if they have an API to something, it’s often barely usable. It turned out Groups API exist. But only if you are using Google Groups in paid Google Apps, which is not my case. Time to bring out the power tools.
First try
Classic, kind of conservative approach, is to use library like BeautifulSoup or lxml, load the HTML, serialize values and get out.
>>> from lxml.html import parse
>>> group_url = GOOGLE_GROUP_URL.format('django-cs')
>>> frontpage = parse(group_url).getroot()
>>> frontpage.make_links_absolute(GOOGLE_GROUP_BASE)
>>> html_threads = frontpage.xpath('//div[@class="GIEUOX-DEQ"]')
>>> threads = (thread_to_dict(thread) for thread in html_threads)
As you can see, nothing out of ordinary. I’m using lmxl just because I like it more than BeautifulSoup1. Also notice the very spot-on class name of for thread div
. Serialization function thread_to_dict
will be explained in a moment. Now what do you think threads
generator is going to yield? The answer is nothing. Why? Because of JS rendering.
Second try
If page is JS rendered, the best way is obviously to let it render in browser. Here comes project selenium, which is mostly used for automated frontend testing and comes with couple of what they call webdrivers. You can choose between Chrome, Firefox or PhantomJS. I’ve chosen PhantomJS, because it’s designed to run headless and quite speedy. Only problem is that you have to install it separately. So, let’s try again.
>>> import time
>>> from lmxl import fromstring
>>> from selenium import webdriver
>>> browser = webdriver.PhantomJS()
>>> browser.set_window_size(1024, 768)
>>> browser.get(group_url)
>>> time.sleep(5)
>>> frontpage = fromstring(browser.page_source)
>>> browser.quit()
>>> frontpage.make_links_absolute(GOOGLE_GROUP_BASE)
>>> html_threads = frontpage.xpath('//div[@class="GIEUOX-DEQ"]')
>>> threads = (thread_to_dict(thread) for thread in html_threads)
A little bit more code but nothing dramatic. browser
contains initialized PhantomJS instance with specified window site (this is usable when site is doing redirect to mobile version). We get the URL and then we pause2 for 5 seconds (random integer between 4 and 6). After that it’s basically same (don’t forget to close browser
). Generator now yields desired dicts.
def thread_to_dict(thread):
parsed = {'name': thread.xpath('.//a[@class="GIEUOX-DPL"]')[0].text}
parsed['url'] = thread.xpath('.//a[@class="GIEUOX-DPL"]')[0].attrib['href']
raw_last_change = thread.xpath('.//span[@class="GIEUOX-DOQ"]/span'
last_change = date_parse(raw_last_change)
parsed['month'] = last_change.month
info = thread.xpath('.//span[@class="GIEUOX-DOQ"]')
parsed['seen'] = int(info[1].text.split()[0])
parsed['posts'] = int(info[0].text.split()[0])
return parsed
For getting those crazy classes, browser developer tools are your friends. Date parsing is a bit pain in the ass. Either you can get day. short_month format or some full hybrid in title
that with my Czech locale yielded something like středa, 11. června 2014 17:57:36 UTC+2
(this is not strptime %c
format!) so I just wrote a simple date parser for it. Info part is later used for thread scoring.
No animals harmed
As you can see, even without the official API, getting some basic data from Google is pretty straightforward. If you want to see the full source code, head to the newschimp project. Pull requests are welcome. Also, unofficial Groups API is a great idea.
This class based approach works only until Google changes client rendering (it’s a short term solution). For better scraper, see my article with third try on this.